Mid Mod Mania is an annual four-day long festival held in Palm Springs, California to celebrate the vast amount of mid-century modern work the location has. The festival hosts events such as fashion shows, outdoor movies, and tents celebrating mid-century modern artists and designers, as well as bus tours to well-known landmarks around Palm Springs.
This booklet serves as a comprehensive guide for tourists, detailing the timing and locations of events throughout the festival. It enables tourists to plan their days at Mid Mod Mania and access additional information about each event. The booklet also advertises a bus tour around Palm Springs that explores the mid-century modern architecture of the city.
This publication and all supplemental materials were created with 3 peers. My roles in the design team included: Ideation, content research, layout design and art direction for event spreads and tent navigation, and typesetting.
P R O J E C T T Y P E :
Publication Design + Event Branding
D E L I V E R A B L E S :
Publication, Brand Identity, Web Design, Merchandise, Social Media Design
C O L L A B O R A T I O N :
Grace Cooper, Skylar Ford, Kaitlyn Phillips