A B O U T  T H E  C L I E N T :
Greenville Dance Studio offers year-round classes in ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, modern, and hip hop for dancers aged 3-18, encompassing preschoolers through high school seniors. Attached to the studio is a nonprofit performance company that stages 3-5 annual performances, including spring recitals, festival shows, and student-led showcases.
P R O J E C T  O P P O R T U N I T Y :
Greenville Dance Studio is in search of a robust visual identity system to enhance its brand. This system should seamlessly integrate with both the studio and its performance company, offering flexibility. Additionally, it must include elements recognizable to long-time customers while encapsulating the distinctive ambiance of both entities.

P R O J E C T  T Y P E :
Brand Identity

D E L I V E R A B L E S :
Research, Project Brief, Visual Identity System, Pitch Presentation, Brand Guide
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