T H E O P P O R T U N I T Y :
The project involves designing a European deli and market located in Bloomington, Indiana, that offers a wide selection of specialized foods, fresh deli items, and high-quality grocery products. The space will combine the charm of a traditional European market with a modern, inviting atmosphere. It will showcase a variety of imported goods, local specialties, and artisanal products, catering to both the community and visitors seeking an authentic European culinary experience.
B R A N D S T O R Y:
After graduating from Bloomington’s Indiana University, buddies Theo and Luca envisioned bringing their European heritages to the college town they know and love.
With the help of their friend Rudy— a longtime Bloomington resident and owner of 229 W 1st Street- they established “Good Rudy’s,” Bloomington’s European Market and Deli, as a local hotspot along the infamous B-line trail just south of downtown.
P R O J E C T T Y P E :
Brand Design
D E L I V E R A B L E S :
Brand identity, wordmarks, illustrations, color palette, typography, and interior and exterior space design.
P R O J E C T T I M E L I N E:
Aug - Sept, 2024
P D F P R E S E N T A T I O N: