T H E O P P O R T U N I T Y :
The junior design class at Anderson University’s Art + Design program received an assignment on March 13th to create a design conference by the end of the semester.
With all hands on deck, the class was divided into six teams, as decided by a leadership team based on individual preferences, to tackle everything that needed to be accomplished for the conference. I had the privilege of being part of the team that designed the conference website and organized a ticketing platform for attendees.
P U R P O S E :
The purpose of the conference is to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to foster positive change within their communities by highlighting the interdependent relationship between design principles and community development.
K E Y M E S S A G E S:
Everyone is a designer • Exercise caution against assumptions • Intentional design empowers the community • Everyone holds the ability and responsibility to impact the community • Good design is rooted in collaboration • Collaboration engages diverse perspectives to create a comprehensive solution • Design and community are symbiotic.
P R O J E C T T Y P E :
Conference Design
D E L I V E R A B L E S :
Mission statement, guest speakers, workshops, panelists, sponsors, brand design, website, social media, marketing materials, gift bags, installations, way-finding, and day-of-event technology.
P R O J E C T T I M E L I N E :
March 13 - April 27, 2024
C O L L A B O R A T I O N S :
Junior Graphic Design Cohort